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FY2024 H-1B Registration Fact Sheet for Employers

Registration Process To file H-1B petitions subject to the FY2024 cap for an employee, you must first electronically register and pay a $10 fee for each electronic registration. The electronic registration includes basic information about the employer and employee. If...

H-1b registration – Breaking News

H-1b Registration Breaking News We received the following from USCIS regarding the H-1b registration. Highlights include the following. The initialregistration period for the fiscal year 2024 H-1B cap will open at noon Eastern on March 1 and run...

Part time H-1b

This is a regurgitation  of an old article that has become relevant in recent months. The part-time H-1B may be useful in the current economic climate; as it may allow an employer to avoid layoffs or avoid concerns of sufficient stream of revenue for full time...