月別アーカイブ: 2023年2月


L-1ビザの申請は、雇用に基づく非移民および投資家ビザの申請の中で、最も低い承認率となっています。また、L-1申請は、RFE(Request for Evidence)を発行される可能性が最も高い申請でもあります。




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規則では、L-1ビザが大企業に限定されないことが強調されています。USCISのポリシーマニュアルに記載された例によると、「経理、販売、倉庫、人事」などの非管理職が外部に委託されていれば、「受益者を含め、1人または2人しか雇用されていない」事業体でもよいことになっています。しかし、私たちの経験上、そのようなタイプのケースは最も承認されにくくなっています。 L-1Aを取得するとEB-1Cのグリーンカード(永住権)を取得できる可能性が高くなります。EB-1Cは第1カテゴリーに属し、より早く、またほとんどの国でスムーズに処理されるため、多くの方がL-1Aを取得しようとするようです。



 L-1 petitions have the lowest approval rate amongst  all employment-based nonimmigrant petitions and investor applications. L-1s are also the most likely to be issued a request for evidence (RFE).

In fiscal year 2022, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) denied 1 in 6 (16.4%) L-1 petitions, approving 83.6% of cases filed. More than a third (36.5%) were issued an RFE. Of those issued an RFE, fewer than two thirds (65.1%) were approved.

So, to simplify, 36.5% of all L-1’s were RFE’d and 1/3 of those were denied, so if you receive an RFE for an L-1, there is a 1/3 chance it will be denied and over 1 out of 3 L-1 cases receive an RFE.

Other business petitions have extraordinarily different results: USCIS approved 98% of H-1B petitions and issued RFEs in only 9.6% of the cases; approved 94.6% of O petitions and issued RFEs in 20.7%; approved 93.2% of P petitions and issued RFEs in 19.6%; and approved 91.4% of TN petitions and issued RFEs in 17.1%. Consular posts abroad approved 92.5% of E-2 treaty investor visas and 94.2% of E-1 treaty trader visas in fiscal year 2021.

The L-1 classification enables a U.S. company to temporarily transfer an executive (L-1A), manager (L-1A), or specialized knowledge employee (L-1B), from one of its foreign offices to the United States. The individual must have been working for the foreign entity in a primarily executive, managerial, or specialized knowledge capacity for one year within the preceding three years. The L-1 classification also enables a foreign company to send an employee to the United States to open a new office.

The regulations intimate that L-1s are not limited to large businesses. According to an example in the USCIS Policy Manual, businesses may employ “only one or two people, including the beneficiary,” as long as non-managerial functions, such as “accounting, sales, warehousing, and personnel,” are outsourced. However, our experience has been that those types of cases are the most difficult to be approved.  If you obtain an L-1A, there is a good chance you qualify for the EB-1C green card (permanent residence) so many people want to obtain an L-1A since the EB-1C is part of the 1st category so it is much faster and most countries are not backlogged on EB-1 cases.

USCIS is notorious for issuing lengthy requests for evidence (RFEs) on L-1 petitions, particularly on those filed on behalf of owners and top executives or managers of small businesses. Officers often question whether the beneficiary is an executive or manager abroad and will be an executive or manager in the United States. Often no matter what you explain, or document, officers will ask about the person’s qualifications abroad.  do so regardless of how well these requirements were documented in the initial petition, and in violation of the USCIS Policy Manual, which states that “[t]he regulations do not require submission of extensive evidence of business relationships or of the beneficiary’s prior and proposed employment.”



国務省は、米国領事館におけるビザ申請の大幅な滞留による影響を軽減するため、特定のHビザおよびLビザ保有者が、在外の米国大使館・領事館でのビザ更新のために海外渡航する代わりに、米国内にてビザスタンプの更新申請ができるプログラムの試験運用を予定しています。Bloomberg Lawに寄せられた国務省関係者のコメントによると、この試験運用は今年後半に予定されているとのことです。




Visa Revalidation to Commence in Washington DC this year

Back in the day, when I started practicing immigration law, some 29 years ago, and up until about 19 years ago, in other words, for the first ten years of my career, our firm was able to send foreign nationals passports to Washington DC and have the State Department revalidate an individual’s visa stamp. Believe it or not, the State Department is planning to reinstate this great system. If you already have an H-1b or L-1, it looks like you will be able to send your passport to Washington DC to have a stamp put in it and avoid travelling abroad.

In an effort to reduce the impact of significant visa application backlogs at U.S. consulates, the State Department plans to test a program that would permit certain H and L visa holders to revalidate their visas from within the United States rather than travel abroad to renew their visas at a U.S. consulate. According to a State Department official’s comments to Bloomberg Law, the visa revalidation pilot is expected later this year.

Immigration advocates have been urging the State Department to permit stateside revalidation as a means to alleviate the exceptionally lengthy visa application backlogs that developed at consulates during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many consulates, especially India, remain severely backlogged.

Until Summer 2004, the State Department permitted certain nonimmigrant visa holders to renew their visas by mail with the agency’s Visa Office in Washington, D.C. To qualify for visa revalidation in the United States, applicants had to hold valid E, H, L, O, P, or certain other nonimmigrant statuses, have been previously issued a visa at a U.S. consulate, and have been admitted to the United States in the same status as that sought to be revalidated. Visas could be revalidated in the United States in the period beginning 60 days before and up to one year after expiration.

19 years ago, it was a popular option for foreign nationals whose home consulates had a high volume of applications and long processing backlogs. The program was terminated in 2004 because the State Department couldn’t collect biometrics as required by the laws after 9/11. We are excited about this news and will be following it this year.





この変更は、Hビザ保持者およびLビザ保持者の家族用ビザについて長期間に渡り争っていたEdakunni v. Mayorkasが和解合意したことによるものです。


バイデン政権下では、家族用ビザの申請の処理時間を短縮するためにいくつかの変更を行い、2021年5月17日から、H/L/Eビザ申請者の家族によるI-539申請にかかる生体認証の要件が一時停止になっていました。そして2021年11月10日、USCISはShergill v. Mayorkasの和解合意に達し、L/Eビザの配偶者の就労を許可し、特定のI-765更新申請について就労許可を自動延長することとなりました。


Starting January 25, 2023, USCIS will adjudicate I-539 and I-765 applications for H-4 and L-2 dependents when those applications are filed concurrently with the I-129 petition.  The bundling of those applications applies to both regular and premium processed H-1B or L-1 petitions.

USCIS will return to its historical process of adjudicating applications for H-4 and L-2 dependents when the Forms I-539 (application to change or extend status) and I-765 (employment authorization application) are filed concurrently with the H-1B or L-1 petition. In addition to L-2 or H-4 extensions, dependents seeking to change to H-4 or L-2 status using Form I-539 will also benefit from the bundled adjudication, provided that the Form I-129 is filed concurrently. The practice of bundled adjudications will be in effect for two years, effective January 25, 2023.

This shift in practice is the result of a settlement agreement in Edakunni v. Mayorkas, which challenged the lengthy adjudications for H-4 and L-2 dependents.

Under the Trump administration, USCIS implemented several changes – requiring biometrics appointments and de-coupling the adjudication of I-539 applications filed together with Form I-129 – that led to extensive processing times for H-4 and L-2 dependents. USCIS, under the Biden administration, has taken several steps to improve the processing time for dependent applications. On May 17, 2021, USCIS suspended the biometrics appointment requirement for those filing an I-539 requesting H-4, L-2, or E dependent nonimmigrant status. On November 10, 2021, USCIS reached a settlement agreement in Shergill v. Mayorkas that permits L and E spouses to work incident to status, and provides automatic extensions of employment authorization for certain I-765 renewal applications.  

SWLG ANALYSIS. For all clients filing an H-4 or L-2 change of status and EAD application, your case will now be adjudicated concurrently with the principal’s I-129 (H-1b or L-1) case. This means that the spouse or dependents won’t need to wait long periods of time before their case is adjudicated. The biometrics requirement for these cases is also waived at this time so we would expect EAD and change/extension of stay  (I-539) applications to be adjudicated at the same time or soon thereafter the underlying I-129 is adjudicated.