アメリカ入国時に空港、駅、入国港などでトラブルがあった場合に知っておいていただきたいのが、DHS TRIP(Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program)です。
DHS TRIPの詳細についてはこちらのウェブサイトをご確認ください。https://www.dhs.gov/dhs-trip#:~:text=The%20Department%20of%20Homeland%20Security,as%20airports%20or%20U.S.%20borders.

DHS TRIP(国土安全保障省の渡航者向け苦情申し立てプログラム)は、空港や国境などの交通機関のハブで行われるスクリーニングで問題が生じた人が問い合わせるために設けられた窓口です。例えば以下のような場合に利用できます。
– ウォッチリストに入っている
– 入国審査で別室に送られるなどの問題が発生した
– 米国内の交通機関のハブにおいて、不当に、または誤って搭乗の遅延または拒否を受けた、または追加審査を受けた
飛行機の搭乗や、入国港や国境での米国への出入国を拒否または遅延させられたり、追加(二次)審査の案内を何度も受けた方は、事態の改善をDHS TRIPに求めることができます。
DHS TRIPポータルでは、救済の必要な申請者またはその正式な代理人が、コンピューターまたは携帯電話からオンラインで申請書を提出することができます。申請手続きは数分で完了し、内容を保存して後日参照することができます。
お問い合わせの状況を確認したい場合は、DHS TRIPポータルにログインし、ステータスページにアクセスしてください。ステータスページでは、あなたの案件が処理中か、完了したか、さらなる情報が必要かを知ることができます。
DHS TRIPお問い合わせフォームを送信すると、システムから自動的に7桁の番号(Redress Control Number)が付与されます。この番号を使用して、お問い合わせの状況を追跡することができます。また、お問い合わせが完了した後、航空券を予約する際にも、この番号を使用することができます。
このような場合、FOIA請求を行う必要があったり、最悪の場合、ESTA却下によりビザを取得しなければならない場合もあります。DHS TRIPやその他米国入国に関するご相談は、ぜひ弊社までご連絡ください。
DHS TRIP (Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program), which we would like you to be aware of if you are having problems at airports, train stations, ports of entry, etc. when entering the U.S.
We refer you to this website which should be helpful.
The Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program (DHS TRIP) is a single point of contact for individuals who have had difficulties during travel screenings at transportation hubs such as airports or U.S. borders. These difficulties include:
- watch list issues
- screening problems at ports of entry
- situations where travelers believe they have been unfairly or incorrectly delayed, denied boarding or identified for additional screening at our nation’s transportation hubs
People who have been denied or delayed airline boarding; have been denied or delayed entry into or exit from the U.S. at a port of entry or border crossing; or have been repeatedly referred to additional (secondary) screening can file an inquiry to seek redress.
The DHS TRIP Portal allows redress applicants and/or their authorized representative to submit their application online via the computer or mobile phone. The application process takes a few moments to complete and can be saved and returned to at a later date.
If you want to review the status of your inquiry, please login to the DHS TRIP Portal and visit the status page. The status page will tell you if your case is in process, has been completed, or requires more information.
When you submit your DHS TRIP Traveler Inquiry Form, the DHS TRIP system automatically assigns you a unique seven-digit identifier, Redress Control Number. You will be able to use this number to track the status of your inquiry. After your inquiry is completed, you will also be able to use the number when you make an airline reservation.
We often have clients who are taken into secondary inspection and sometimes we don’t know why. If this happens to a client often, it maybe helpful to file an inquiry on this website.
In cases like this, the reason may be that the passport or fingerprint information of the individual in the possession of the U.S. side is recorded incorrectly for some reason, or the information is similar to that of a person on a watch list held by the U.S.
With the inquiry, the client can provide additional information with the hope that DHS will rectify the record and issue the individual a redress number. Everytime the individual travels to the US, they can enter that number on the airline website and hopefully avoid issues or secondary inspections at the border.
Issues may include an overstay status due to an incorrect I-94 record from a previous stay in the U.S. or improperly denied ESTA authorization. In some cases, you may receive a response from DHS stating that you are no longer eligible to use the Visa Waiver Program, or you may be asked to provide more information for further review.
In such cases, you may need to make a FOIA request or worst case, you may have to obtain a visa to overcome a ESTA denial. Please contact us for a consultation on DHS Trip or other issues concerning entry to the US.