カテゴリー別アーカイブ: 非移民ビザ





  • H-4ビザの扶養家族: H-4ビザの扶養家族:H-4ビザは、H-1Bビザ保持者(一時的技能労働者)の配偶者および21歳未満の未婚の子供に発給されます。
  • L-2ビザの扶養家族: L-2ビザは、L-1ビザ保持者(企業内転勤者)の配偶者および21歳未満の未婚の子供に発給されます。新しい規定では、L-2扶養家族(L-2Sカテゴリー)はEADを取得しなくても就労し、ソーシャルセキュリティー番号を取得することができますが、L-2SはEADを取得することは可能ですが、必須ではありませんのでご注意ください。
  • E-1/E-2ビザの扶養家族: E-2ビザは条約投資家とその扶養家族のためのビザです。E-1/E-2ビザ保持者の扶養家族で就労許可証(EAD)を持っている人はSSNを申請することができます。E-1SとE-2SはEADを取得することはできますが、必須ではありませんのでご注意ください。
  • J-2ビザの扶養家族 J-2ビザは、交流訪問者(J-1ビザ保持者)の配偶者および扶養家族のためのビザです。J-2ビザ保持者は、J-1ビザ保持者が特定の交換プログラムの参加者である場合など、特定の状況下で就労許可を得ることができます。J-2ビザの扶養家族がEADを持っている場合、SSNを申請することができます。
  • F-2ビザの扶養家族: F-2ビザはF-1ビザ保持者(留学生)の配偶者および未成年の子供のためのビザです。F-2ビザの扶養家族は一般的に就労許可を受ける資格がなく、就労目的のSSN取得に制限がある場合があります。しかし、州によっては、F-2扶養家族が銀行口座の開設や運転免許証の取得など、他の目的でSSNを取得することを許可している場合があります。



  • NIV配偶者の非移民ビザおよびI-94出入国記録のある有効なパスポート。
  • USCIS発行のNIV配偶者の雇用許可書(EAD)。
  • ソーシャル・セキュリティー・カード申請書(Form SS-5)(これは通常SSAのオフィスで入手するか、ウェブサイトからダウンロードできます)。
  • 出生証明書やその他の公的書類など、年齢と身元を証明するもの。



Nonimmigrant visas are temporary visas that allow individuals to come to the U.S. for specific purposes, such as work, study, tourism, or family visits. Some nonimmigrant visa categories allow spouses of visa holders to work in the U.S., while others do not. If the nonimmigrant visa category of the spouse allows for employment, the spouse may apply for an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
With valid employment authorization through the EAD, the NIV spouse can then apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) if they intend to work in the U.S. and need an SSN for employment and taxation purposes.

If the NIV spouse’s visa category does not allow for employment, they may not be eligible to apply for an EAD or obtain an SSN based on employment. However, they might still be able to get an SSN for other purposes, such as opening a bank account or obtaining a driver’s license, depending on state and local regulations.

Here are some common nonimmigrant visa categories whose dependents may be eligible for an SSN:

• H-4 Visa Dependents: H-4 visas are issued to the spouses and unmarried children under 21 years of age of H-1B visa holders (temporary skilled workers).

• L-2 Visa Dependents: L-2 visas are for the spouses and unmarried children under 21 years of age of L-1 visa holders (intracompany transferees). Please note that new regulations allow L-2 dependents (L-2S category) to work and obtain a social security number without the need for obtaining an EAD, although the L-2S may obtain an EAD, it’s not required.

• E-1/E-2 Visa Dependents: E-2 visas are for treaty investors and their dependents. Dependents of E-1/E-2 Visa holders who have employment authorization (EAD) can apply for an SSN. Please note that new regulations allow E-1/2 dependents (E-1S or E-2S category) to work and obtain a social security number without the need for obtaining an EAD, although the E-1S and E-2S may obtain an EAD, it’s not required.

• J-2 Visa Dependents: J-2 visas are for the spouses and dependents of exchange visitors (J-1 visa holders). J-2 visa holders may be eligible for employment authorization under certain circumstances, such as when the J-1 visa holder is a participant in a specific type of exchange program. If a J-2 dependent has an EAD, they can apply for an SSN.

• F-2 Visa Dependents: F-2 visas are for the spouses and minor children of F-1 visa holders (international students). F-2 dependents are generally not eligible for employment authorization and may have restrictions on obtaining an SSN for employment purposes. However, some states may allow F-2 dependents to obtain an SSN for other purposes, such as opening bank accounts or obtaining a driver’s license.

Once the NIV spouse has obtained the necessary employment authorization, they should visit a local Social Security Administration (SSA) office in person. It’s important to bring all required documents with them.

The specific documents required may vary, but generally, you will need to provide the following:

• A valid passport with the NIV spouse’s nonimmigrant visa and I-94 Arrival/Departure Record.
• The NIV spouse’s Employment Authorization Document (EAD) issued by USCIS.
• Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card (this can usually be obtained at the SSA office or downloaded from their website).
• Proof of age and identity, such as a birth certificate or other official documentation.

After submitting the completed Form SS-5 and the required documents at the SSA office. The staff at the office will review your application and documents, and you may be required to provide original documents or certified copies. The processing time by the SSA can vary (usually processed within two to six weeks), but you should receive your Social Security card in the mail once the application is approved.

It’s important to note that eligibility for an SSN for nonimmigrant visa dependents depends on the specific visa category, the employment authorization rules, and any changes in U.S. immigration policies that may have occurred, at SWLG we can provide you guidance on visa options, employment authorization, and related issues. We also help you understand the eligibility criteria for obtaining an SSN as a dependent on a nonimmigrant visa, assist with preparing and submitting necessary applications, and address any legal challenges that may arise.

L-1 I-129S エンドースメントの手続きがUSCISで変更されます




この承認通知は、USCIS職員が承認されたブランケットL請願書に基づいて受益者にL-1ステータスの資格があると判断したことを証明するものであり、8 CFR 214.2(l)(5)(ii)(E)が要求するI-129Sフォームの裏書となります。この通知のコピーは、ビザおよび/または入学許可証に添付するために受益者にも提供されます。



このツールの導入は、USCISが顧客サービスを向上させるもう一つの方法です。障壁を取り除き、申請者の負担を軽減することで、USCISは、政府の義務に対する信頼を再構築するための連邦政府のカスタマー・エクスペリエンスとサービス・デリバリーの変革に関する大統領令(EO 14058)の目標を推進するためのUSCISのコミットメントを示している。
USCISはまた、USCIS Policy Manualにガイダンスを発行し、バイオメトリック・サービスの予約変更のタイムリーでない要請と予約に出頭しなかった場合の影響を考慮することを説明し、”正当な理由 “によるバイオメトリック・サービスの予約変更のタイムリーな要請をどのように考慮するかを説明します。正当な理由とは、予約変更要請が、給付請求者が予定日に出頭できない十分な理由を提示してい る場合に存在する。十分な理由には、以下のものが含まれるが、これらに限定されない:

  • 病気、医療予約、入院;
  • 以前から予定していた旅行
  • 冠婚葬祭、卒業式などの重要なライフイベント;
  • 予約場所までの交通手段が確保できない場合;
  • 仕事または介護のための休暇が取れない場合。
  • バイオメトリックサービス予約通知書の遅配または未着。

Rescheduling of biometrics has been a real headache. Now USCIS has an online tool that will make things much easier.

New tool provides option to reschedule a biometric services appointment online without calling the USCIS Contact Center

WASHINGTON—On June 28, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services launched a new self-service tool allowing benefit requestors, and their attorneys and accredited representatives, to reschedule most biometric services appointments before the date of the appointment.

Introducing this tool is another way USCIS is improving customer service. By removing barriers and reducing burdens to applicants, USCIS is demonstrating the agency’s commitment to advancing the goals of Executive Order on Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service Delivery to Rebuild Trust in Government Mandates (EO 14058).

“We are working steadily to improve the customer experience by designing and delivering services in a manner that people of all abilities can access,” said USCIS Director Ur M. Jaddou.

Previously, benefit requestors and accredited representatives could only request to reschedule a biometric services appointment by calling the USCIS Contact Center. With this new tool, those individuals who have or create a USCIS online account can reschedule most requests for biometric services appointments without having to call the Contact Center. The new tool, however, cannot be used to reschedule an appointment that already has been rescheduled two or more times, is within 12 hours, or that has already passed.

The biometric services appointment rescheduling tool can be accessed via a USCIS online account regardless of whether the pending case was submitted online or by mail. Benefit requestors and accredited representatives will still have the option to call the USCIS Contact Center to reschedule an appointment, but USCIS strongly encourages users to use the new tool to save time, increase efficiency, and reduce call volume to the USCIS Contact Center.

USCIS is also issuing guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual to explain that the agency may consider an untimely request to reschedule a biometric services appointment and the effect of failing to appear for an appointment, and to explain how the agency considers a timely request to reschedule a biometric services appointment for “good cause.” Good cause exists when the reschedule request provides sufficient reason for the benefit requestor’s inability to appear on the scheduled date. Sufficient reasons may include, but are not limited to:

  • Illness, medical appointment, or hospitalization;
  • Previously planned travel;
  • Significant life events such as a wedding, funeral, or graduation ceremony;
  • Inability to obtain transportation to the appointment location;
  • Inability to obtain leave from employment or caregiver responsibilities; and
  • Late delivered or undelivered biometric services appointment notice.

USCIS only accepts untimely rescheduling requests made to the USCIS Contact Center and does not accept untimely requests to reschedule by mail or in-person at a USCIS office or through the myUSCIS online rescheduling tool.



















現在、F-1、F-2、M-1、M-2学生、J-1、J-2交換訪問者のみがI-907フォームをオンライン上から申請できます。なお、I-907フォームやその他のUSCISフォームを紙媒体で申請する申請者に対しても、USCISオンラインアカウントを作成し、ケースステイタスを追跡したり、ケース通知の登録は可能です。詳細については、File Onlineのページをご覧ください。

  • Starting June 13th, the service will entertain premium processing applications for applicants seeking a change of status to to F-1, F-2, M-1, M-2, J-1, or J-2 status, who have a pending Form I-539.
  • On June 26th, the service will start accepting NEW I-539 applications with a request for premium processing for the same categories of visa holders.
  • All applicants included on Form I-539 must submit their biometrics before premium processing can begin. Even if we accept an applicant’s Form I-907 and accompanying fees, the time limit for premium processing will not start running until the applicant and all co-applicants included on the Form I-539 submit their biometrics, for these specific categories.

USCIS Expands Premium Processing for Applicants Seeking to Change to F, M, or J Nonimmigrant Status

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced the expansion of premium processing for certain applicants filing Form I-539, Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status, requesting a change of status to F-1, F-2, M-1, M-2, J-1, or J-2 nonimmigrant status. These applicants will be able to file Form I-907, Request for Premium Processing Service, online or via paper form.

The premium processing expansion for these categories will occur in phases.

  • Beginning June 13, we will accept Form I-907 requests, filed via paper form or online, for applicants seeking a change of status to F-1, F-2, M-1, M-2, J-1, or J-2 status, who have a pending Form I-539.
  • Beginning June 26, we will accept Form I-907 requests, filed via either paper form or online, for applicants seeking a change of status to F-1, F-2, M-1, M-2, J-1, or J-2 status, when filed together with a Form I-539.

We will reject premium processing requests for a pending Form I-539 if we receive the request before June 13. We will reject premium processing requests when filed together with a Form I-539 if we receive the request before June 26.

Important Reminders
All applicants included on Form I-539 must submit their biometrics before premium processing can begin. Even if we accept an applicant’s Form I-907 and accompanying fees, the time limit for premium processing will not start running until the applicant and all co-applicants included on the Form I-539 submit their biometrics, for these specific categories.

Please note, USCIS may reject your Form I-907 and/or Form I-539 if it is submitted with another benefit request, including multiple Form I-907 requests filed together.

You must submit Form I-907 the same way you submit Form I-539:

  • If you mail a paper Form I-539 to us, you must mail us a paper Form I-907; or
  • If you submit Form I-539 online, you must submit Form I-907 online.

To file Form I-907 online, an applicant must first create a USCIS online account, which provides a convenient and secure method to submit forms, pay fees, and track the status of a pending case. There is no cost to set up a USCIS online account, which offers a superior user experience over paper filing.  

Only F-1, F-2, M-1 and M-2 students, and J-1 and J-2 exchange visitors may file Form I-907 online at this time. Applicants who file a paper Form I-907, or any other USCIS form, can create a USCIS online account to track the status of their case and sign up for case notifications. For more information, please see our File Online page.









We would like to present you with a report on the H-1b registration. In sum, FY 2024 saw a huge increase in the number of applications filed to 780,000. This translates to an overall percentage of about 14%. We also so a huge number of applicants with multiple registrations, in other words, more than one company sponsoring them in the lottery. USCIS feels that this is an abuse of the system if the job offers aren’t bona-fide. As a result, next year we may see further changes in the registration system.

FY 2024 H-1B Cap Registration Process Update

As previously announced, on March 27, 2023, USCIS received enough electronic registrations during the initial registration period to reach the FY 2024 H-1B numerical allocations (H-1B cap), including the advanced degree exemption also known as the master’s cap.

During the registration period for the FY 2024 H-1B cap, USCIS saw a significant increase in the number of registrations submitted compared to prior years. Generally, we saw an increase in the number of registrations submitted, the number of registrations submitted on behalf of beneficiaries with multiple registrations, and the number of registrations submitted on behalf of unique beneficiaries with only one registration. USCIS saw upward trends in the FY 2022 and FY 2023 H-1B registration periods as well.

This chart shows registration and selection numbers for fiscal years 2021-2024 (as of April 24, 2023).

Cap Fiscal YearTotal RegistrationsEligible Registrations*Eligible Registrations for Beneficiaries with No Other Eligible RegistrationsEligible Registrations for Beneficiaries with Multiple Eligible RegistrationsSelections**

*The count of eligible registrations excludes duplicate registrations, those deleted by the prospective employer prior to the close of the registration period, and those with failed payments.

**The number of selections was smaller in FY 2024 than in prior years primarily due to (a) establishing a higher anticipated petition filing rate by selected registrants based on prior years; and (b) higher projected Department of State approvals of H-1B1 visas, which count against the H-1B cap.


















GRACE PERIODS(滞在猶予期間)について







Considerations when terminating a foreign worker.

In a down economy, we often say termination and layoffs of nonimmigrants especially in the tech industry. We decided to give our readers some updates with regards to considerations.

Terminating an employee is always a difficult decision. Terminating a foreign worker has additional challenges and consequences that must be considered, and employers must ensure they comply with state and federal law. An employer should consult with both their immigration lawyer and employment lawyer before taking action.

Termination of H-1B, H-1B1, and E-3 employees requires:

  • Written notice to the employee;
  • Written notice to USCIS; and
  • Payment of the cost of reasonable return transportation to the employee’s country of last residence.

The employer is not required to pay transportation for dependents. This offer is not required if the employee resigns or chooses not to leave the United States. Withdrawal of the labor condition application (while not required) is also recommended as a best practice. The employer continues to be liable for back wages until there is a bona fide termination.

Termination of O-1 employees requires:

  • Written notice to USCIS; and
  • Offer to pay the cost of reasonable transportation to the country of last residence.

Termination of TN and L-1 employees:

  • There is no specific immigration notification requirement or return transportation requirement.

Termination of E-1/E-2 employee:

  • While not mandatory, it is recommended that the U.S. consulate that issued the E visa be notified that employment was terminated. That being said, many consulates and embassies don’t have a system in place to notify them of termination, for instance, in Tokyo, we don’t usually notify the consulate of a termination but on subsequent applications, the name is of the terminated employee would be removed from the DS-156E,


Regulations give workers in E-1, E-2, E-3, H-1B, H-1B1, L-1, O-1, and TN status a grace period of up to 60 days after the employment is terminated or until the end of the currently authorized stay, whichever is shorter. In other words, if the foreign worker is terminated on 1/1/22 and their I-94 expires on 1/15/22, then their grace period expires 1/15/22 (end of the currently authorized stay). If the foreign worker is terminated on 1/1/22 and their I-94 expires on 12/15/22, then their grace period expires 3/2/22 (60 days from 1/1/22).

If terminated with grace period availability, the worker may remain in the United States without working and will not be considered out of status. The worker can use this time to prepare to depart, find another employer that will file a petition within the grace period, or change to another status.

Note: The grace period is especially helpful for individuals who are eligible for H-1B portability, which allows the worker to begin working as soon as an H-1B portability petition is filed.


There is no requirement that an employer withdraw an approved I-140 petition after a foreign worker’s employment is terminated. If withdrawal is desired, consider the timing of that request carefully, as it may have adverse consequences for the foreign worker. A withdrawal request made before 180 days have passed from approval will automatically revoke the petition. The worker will keep the priority date for future I-140 petitions but will be unable to rely on the I-140 approval to qualify for H-1B extensions beyond the standard six-year limit. Submission of a withdrawal request after 180 days have passed from approval will not result in automatic revocation of the I-140, and the terminated worker will be entitled to I-140 approval benefits, including continued eligibility for H-1B extensions beyond the six-year limit.

As a sponsoring employer, allowing an I-140 to reach the 180-day mark before withdrawal could be a benefit you want (or do not want) to offer the departing employee.


移民国籍法(INA)101条(a)(15)(L)14は、L-1ビザ(企業内転勤者)の資格要件を定義しています。L-1ビザの取得、維持、延長に関する規則は、8 CFR §214.2(l) に記載があり、解釈指針は、Adjudicator’s Field Manual(AFM) の32章にあります。L-1ビザの資格要件と発行に関するDOS規則は、22 CFR §41.54 と、9 Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) 16 402.12 にある注記に記載されています。また、DOSによる公電や、USCISと移民帰化局(INS)による覚書にも有用な情報が記載されています。

L-1ビザの申請において適用される証明基準は、証拠の優劣であり、「証拠の優劣」とは「適当でないより適当である可能性が高い」という意味であることを常に覚えておくことが重要です。USCISがL-1ビザの資格要件より厳しい基準を課しているように思われる質問状に対応する際、この基準について言及することが適切である場合もあります。 申請者は、審査段階からすべての疑念を取り除く必要はありません。



L-1従業員は、I-129請願書の提出直近の3年間のうち、連続する1年間、海外にて関連する外国企業のために働いていなければなりません。 2018年11月、USCISは政策メモランダム「L-1ビザ申請における、外国での1年間の就業を求める要件について」を発行し、(i) L-1ビザの受益者は、一般的に、1年間の継続雇用期間中、物理的に米国外にいなければならず、(ii) 申請者と受益者は、1年間の就業を求める要件を含むすべての要件を、L-1請願書の提出時に満たしていなければならないことを明記しています。  


(i) 受益者が海外で、要件を満たす組織に従業した日付を特定する。

(ii) 申請者がL-1請願書を提出する前の3年間において、受益者の適格な雇用が中断した期間を算出する(例えば、受益者が雇用ベースの非移民請願書または申請書の主たる受益者として米国内の適格な組織で合法的に働いていた場合、3年間の期間をそれに応じて調整する)。

(iii) ステップ2で特定した、雇用が中断した期間の長さの合計を、3年の期間から差し引く。




L-1ビザ保持者は、「経営者としての能力」、「管理職としての能力」、「専門的知識を有する能力」の持ち主として、で米国に入国することができます。これらの基準は、法令や規則によって明確に定義されています。 滞在期間の上限は、管理職とエグゼクティブ(L-1A)は7年、専門知識職(L-1B)は5年に設定されています。


– L-1従業員は、無所属の雇用主の「管理・監督」の下に「主として」置かれる。

– L-1従業員の第三者事業体への派遣は、請願者である雇用主に特有の専門知識を伴う製品またはサービスの提供に関連した派遣ではなく、「本質的に、資本関係など関連性のない第3社事業体のために雇用労働を提供するための手配」です。


新オフィスの開設を目的として渡米したL-1転勤者に適用される特別規定があります。「新オフィス」とは、「親会社、支店、関連会社、子会社を通じて米国でビジネスを始めてから1年未満の組織」と定義されています。 これは、業務や部下の詳細などに関する通常のエビデンスの提出を必要としないため、新規に事業を始める方には嬉しい規定です。この申請の場合は、オフィススペースを見て、十分な広さがあるか、リースがL-1転勤者の滞在期間をカバーする適切な期間であるか、また写真やフロアプランなどを確認します。財務的な実現性、所有権、そして最後に詳細なビジネスプランが成功の鍵です。また、ビザの延長には厳しい審査がなされることを請願者に予告しておくことも不可欠です。なお、1年後の延長申請を成功させるには、事業運営を証明する相当な文書が必要となります。


一般的に、担当官は、従業員がL-1ビザ取得の資格要件を満たすかどうかを判断する権限を有しています。受益者のブランケットL請願書が承認されると、担当官はI-129Sフォームにステータスと有効期間について裏書きします。FAMでは、担当官は「明確に承認可能な申請に限り、Lビザを承認することができる」とされていることに注意が必要です。 この基準は、前述したUSCISの「証拠の優劣」という基準よりも厳しいものだと推測されます。しかし、インドや中国を除いて、アメリカ国務省はL-1ビザ申請に求められる経営、管理、専門知識に関する定義に対し、ほとんどのケースにおいて、より柔軟なアプローチをとっていると、我々の経験上、感じています。したがって、ブランケットを利用することで、USCISを通した申請よりもより早く、より安く、より高い確率で承認を得ることが可能かもしれません。とはいえ、FAMによると、担当官の判断は最終的なものであるため、担当官がどのようにL-1ブランケット請願書を審査しているかを熟知しておくことは重要です。却下された場合、受益者は再度申請することができますが、最初の却下を覆すのは困難な場合が多いです。別の方法として、受益者はUSCISにI-129フォームを提出することにより、Lビザを再申請することもできます。






Maintaining Consensus on the Evolution of the L-1 practice.

By: David Sindell ([email protected]

Section 101(a)(15)(L) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)14 defines the terms of eligibility for L-1 intracompany transferee status. Regulations on acquiring, maintaining, and extending L-1 status are found at 8 CFR §214.2(l), and interpretive guidance is contained in chapter 32 of the Adjudicator’s Field Manual AFM).15 DOS regulations concerning L-1 visa eligibility and issuance are reflected in 22 CFR §41.54 and the accompanying notes in 9 Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM)16 402.12. Useful information is also found in cables issued by the DOS and memoranda from USCIS and legacy Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).

It is important to always remember that the applicable standard of proof in an L-1 petition that of preponderance of the evidence, and that “preponderance of the evidence” means “more likely than not.” It is sometimes appropriate to mention this standard when responding to requests for evidence where USCIS seems to be imposing a more stringent standard not applicable to L-1 visas.  The petitioner does not need to remove all doubt from the adjudication. [1]

In order to transfer an employee from an entity abroad to a U.S. entity, the petitioner must be part of a qualifying organization. The qualifying organization must be a U.S. or foreign firm, corporation, or other legal entity. The organization also must be doing business as an employer in the United States and in at least one other country through a relationship defined in the regulations, including parent, branch, subsidiary, or affiliate.[2]

Although this criterion may seem quite straight forward, when we look at many of the complex corporate relationships that exist through ownership through holding companies and many entities, it is often recommended to make a corporate chart and add it either to the petition letter or as separate evidence to give USCIS a clear picture of the corporate structure to avoid later confusion. In addition, corporate minutes, and formation documents and as applicable, stock certificates evidencing ownership and qualifying relationship. 

L-1 employees must have worked abroad for the foreign entity for one continuous year within the three-year period preceding the filing of the I-129 petition In November 2018, USCIS issued a policy memorandum, “Satisfying the L-1 1-Year Foreign Employment Requirement,” which clarifies that: (i) L-1 beneficiaries must generally be physically outside the United States during the one year of continuous employment, and (ii) the petitioner and the beneficiary must meet all requirements, including the one-year requirement, at the time the L-1 petition is filed.”[3]

If a foreign national is already in the US as non-immigrant, there is a specific test that the memo attempts to set out. USCIS suggests the following analysis:

(i) determine the dates the beneficiary worked for the qualifying organization abroad.

(ii) ascertain the length of any breaks in the beneficiary’s qualifying employment during the three years before the petitioner filed the L-1 petition (e.g., if the beneficiary has lawfully worked for a qualifying organization in the United States as a principal beneficiary of an employment-based nonimmigrant petition or application, adjust the three-year period accordingly); and

(iii) subtract the total length of all the breaks identified in step 2 from the relevant three-year period.[4]

If the result is a continuous one-year period within the relevant three-year period, then the petitioner has met the one-year foreign employment. 

For example, a beneficiary works for the foreign entity abroad from January 2020- March 2022 and then works for another related organization in E-2 status from March 2022 to March 2023, USCIS would look at the three-year period prior to the E-2 entry and since here, the beneficiary worked for at least one year, the employee would qualify for L-1 status. 

Although the petitioner would most likely encounter a high level of scrutiny, applying for an independent contractor who is providing services overseas to a qualifying organization who worked under a contract, was presented to the public as employees, and worked exclusively for the company, and exhibited every indicia of employment with that foreign entity should qualify for L-1 status. 

L-1 visa holders can enter the US in an “executive capacity,” “managerial capacity,” and “specialized knowledge capacity” These criteria are well defined by statute and regulations.[5] Caps on the authorized period of stay are set at seven years for managers and executives (L-1A), and five years for specialized knowledge employees (L-1B).

Off-Site L-1B Employment is often a subject which comes up in L-1 practices and it is important to note the permissible parameters of off-site employment by L-1 workers. Impermissible off-site L-1b employment occurs when L-1 workers are “stationed primarily” at the worksite of an employer unaffiliated with the petitioner, and one of the following situations applies:

  • The L-1 employee will be “principally” under the “control and supervision” of the unaffiliated employer; or
  • The placement of the L-1 employee at the third-party site is “essentially an arrangement to provide labor for hire for the unaffiliated employer,” rather than a placement in connection with the provision of a product or service involving specialized knowledge specific to the petitioning employer.[6]

Permissible L-1b offsite employment must include facts whereby the petitioner retains ultimate authority over the worker. Although the third party for which the L-1B worker is providing services “may provide input, feedback, or guidance as to its needs, goals, etc.,” but it cannot control the work of the L-1B employee “in the sense of directing tasks and activities.”[7]

There is a special provision which applies to L-1 transferees who come to the United States for the purpose of opening a new office.[8] A “new office” is defined as “an organization that has been doing business in the United States through a parent, branch, affiliate or subsidiary for less than one year.”[9] This is a great provision for those are starting a new business, since the usual evidence regarding operations, subordinate employees and other provisions don’t apply. One of the favorite pet peeves of the service is to look at the office space to ensure that there is sufficient square footage, that the lease is for the right length of time, covering the period of stay of the L-1 transferee, photographs etc. The financial viability of organization, ownership, and control, and finally a detailed business plan is key to success. It is also essential to forewarn the petitioner that the extension will be subject to a high level of scrutiny and the extension will be rigorously adjudicated. A successful extension will require substantial documentation of evidence of business operations. 

The L-1 blanket provision is advantageous in promoting expediency, reliability, and flexibility. If a company qualifies for a blanket, a qualifying can apply for an L-1 visa directly at a U.S. consulate without first obtaining approval of an individual I-129 petition by USCIS.[10]

Generally, the consular official has the authority to determine if the employee is eligible to receive the L-1 visa.[11] Upon approval of the beneficiary’s blanket L petition, the consular officer will endorse an I-129S form with a notation regarding the classification and validity period. It is important to note that under the FAM, consular officers “may grant L classification only in clearly approvable applications.[12] One would surmise that this standard is higher than the USCIS standard of preponderance of the evidence we discussed above. However, it has been our experience almost universally, with the exception of India and sometimes China, that DOS takes a much more liberal approach in defining which constitutes managerial, executive and specialized knowledge in the L-1 context. Therefore, use of a blanket, where available, affords the petitioner, a quicker, cheaper, and higher chance of success than through USCIS. That being said, it is incumbent upon the practitioner to be familiar with the consular post and how they adjudicate L-1 Blanket petitions since the decision by the consular officer is, according to the FAM, final. If denied, the beneficiary can apply again but the burden of the first denial is often too difficult to overcome. In the alternative the beneficiary can continue to seek L classification by filing a form I-129 with USCIS. 

Finally, it is important to note that L-1 petitions have the lowest approval rate amongst all employment-based nonimmigrant petitions and investor applications. L-1s are also the most likely to be issued a request for evidence (RFE).

In fiscal year 2022, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) denied 1 in 6 (16.4%) L-1 petitions, approving 83.6% of cases filed. More than a third (36.5%) were issued an RFE. Of those issued an RFE, fewer than two thirds (65.1%) were approved.

So, to simplify, 36.5% of all L-1’s were issued requests for evidence (RFE), and 1/3 of those were denied, so if a beneficiary receives an RFE for an L-1, there is a 1/3 chance it will be denied and indeed, over 1 out of 3 L-1 cases receive an RFE.

In the same year, other business petitions had extraordinarily different results: USCIS approved 98% of H-1B petitions and issued RFEs in only 9.6% of the cases; approved 94.6% of O petitions and issued RFEs in 20.7%; approved 93.2% of P petitions and issued RFEs in 19.6%; and approved 91.4% of TN petitions and issued RFEs in 17.1%. USCIS is notorious for issuing lengthy RFE’s on L-1 petitions, particularly on those filed on behalf of owners and top executives or managers of small businesses. Officers often question whether the beneficiary is an executive or manager abroad and will be an executive or manager in the United States. Often no matter what you explain, or document, officers will ask about the person’s qualifications abroad regardless of how well these requirements were documented in the initial petition, and in violation of the USCIS Policy Manual, which states that “[t]he regulations do not require submission of extensive evidence of business relationships or of the beneficiary’s prior and proposed employment

[1] USCIS Policy Memorandum, “L-1B Adjudications Policy,” AILA Doc. No. 15081801, at pages 5–6.

[2] 8 CFR §214.2 (l)(1)(ii)(G)–(L).

[3] See USCIS Policy Memorandum, “Satisfying the L-1 1-Year Foreign Employment Requirement,” (Nov. 15, 2018), AILA

Doc. No. 18112933

[4] See “AILA Practice Pointer: New USCIS L-1 Policy Ushers in Restrictive Interpretation of the One-Year Abroad Requirement,”(Jan. 17, 2019), AILA Doc. No. 19011730

[5] INA §101(44)(A)–(B); 8 CFR §214.2(l)(1)(ii)(D); 8 CFR §214(c)(2)(B).

[6] L-1 Visa Reform Act of 2004, Pub. L. No. 108-447, 118 Stat. 2809 (2004). at SEC 412.

[7] USCIS Memorandum, W. Yates, “USCIS Memo Implementing L-1 Reform Act of 2004,” (July 29, 2005), AILA Doc. No.


[8] 8 CFR §§214.2(l)(3)(v) and (vi).

[9] 8 CFR §214.2(l)(1)(ii)(F).

[10] 8 CFR §214.2(l)(4).

[11] 8 CFR §214.2(l)(1)(i).

[12] 8 CFR 214.2(l)(5)(ii)(E).


L-1ビザの申請は、雇用に基づく非移民および投資家ビザの申請の中で、最も低い承認率となっています。また、L-1申請は、RFE(Request for Evidence)を発行される可能性が最も高い申請でもあります。




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規則では、L-1ビザが大企業に限定されないことが強調されています。USCISのポリシーマニュアルに記載された例によると、「経理、販売、倉庫、人事」などの非管理職が外部に委託されていれば、「受益者を含め、1人または2人しか雇用されていない」事業体でもよいことになっています。しかし、私たちの経験上、そのようなタイプのケースは最も承認されにくくなっています。 L-1Aを取得するとEB-1Cのグリーンカード(永住権)を取得できる可能性が高くなります。EB-1Cは第1カテゴリーに属し、より早く、またほとんどの国でスムーズに処理されるため、多くの方がL-1Aを取得しようとするようです。



 L-1 petitions have the lowest approval rate amongst  all employment-based nonimmigrant petitions and investor applications. L-1s are also the most likely to be issued a request for evidence (RFE).

In fiscal year 2022, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) denied 1 in 6 (16.4%) L-1 petitions, approving 83.6% of cases filed. More than a third (36.5%) were issued an RFE. Of those issued an RFE, fewer than two thirds (65.1%) were approved.

So, to simplify, 36.5% of all L-1’s were RFE’d and 1/3 of those were denied, so if you receive an RFE for an L-1, there is a 1/3 chance it will be denied and over 1 out of 3 L-1 cases receive an RFE.

Other business petitions have extraordinarily different results: USCIS approved 98% of H-1B petitions and issued RFEs in only 9.6% of the cases; approved 94.6% of O petitions and issued RFEs in 20.7%; approved 93.2% of P petitions and issued RFEs in 19.6%; and approved 91.4% of TN petitions and issued RFEs in 17.1%. Consular posts abroad approved 92.5% of E-2 treaty investor visas and 94.2% of E-1 treaty trader visas in fiscal year 2021.

The L-1 classification enables a U.S. company to temporarily transfer an executive (L-1A), manager (L-1A), or specialized knowledge employee (L-1B), from one of its foreign offices to the United States. The individual must have been working for the foreign entity in a primarily executive, managerial, or specialized knowledge capacity for one year within the preceding three years. The L-1 classification also enables a foreign company to send an employee to the United States to open a new office.

The regulations intimate that L-1s are not limited to large businesses. According to an example in the USCIS Policy Manual, businesses may employ “only one or two people, including the beneficiary,” as long as non-managerial functions, such as “accounting, sales, warehousing, and personnel,” are outsourced. However, our experience has been that those types of cases are the most difficult to be approved.  If you obtain an L-1A, there is a good chance you qualify for the EB-1C green card (permanent residence) so many people want to obtain an L-1A since the EB-1C is part of the 1st category so it is much faster and most countries are not backlogged on EB-1 cases.

USCIS is notorious for issuing lengthy requests for evidence (RFEs) on L-1 petitions, particularly on those filed on behalf of owners and top executives or managers of small businesses. Officers often question whether the beneficiary is an executive or manager abroad and will be an executive or manager in the United States. Often no matter what you explain, or document, officers will ask about the person’s qualifications abroad.  do so regardless of how well these requirements were documented in the initial petition, and in violation of the USCIS Policy Manual, which states that “[t]he regulations do not require submission of extensive evidence of business relationships or of the beneficiary’s prior and proposed employment.”



国務省は、米国領事館におけるビザ申請の大幅な滞留による影響を軽減するため、特定のHビザおよびLビザ保有者が、在外の米国大使館・領事館でのビザ更新のために海外渡航する代わりに、米国内にてビザスタンプの更新申請ができるプログラムの試験運用を予定しています。Bloomberg Lawに寄せられた国務省関係者のコメントによると、この試験運用は今年後半に予定されているとのことです。




Visa Revalidation to Commence in Washington DC this year

Back in the day, when I started practicing immigration law, some 29 years ago, and up until about 19 years ago, in other words, for the first ten years of my career, our firm was able to send foreign nationals passports to Washington DC and have the State Department revalidate an individual’s visa stamp. Believe it or not, the State Department is planning to reinstate this great system. If you already have an H-1b or L-1, it looks like you will be able to send your passport to Washington DC to have a stamp put in it and avoid travelling abroad.

In an effort to reduce the impact of significant visa application backlogs at U.S. consulates, the State Department plans to test a program that would permit certain H and L visa holders to revalidate their visas from within the United States rather than travel abroad to renew their visas at a U.S. consulate. According to a State Department official’s comments to Bloomberg Law, the visa revalidation pilot is expected later this year.

Immigration advocates have been urging the State Department to permit stateside revalidation as a means to alleviate the exceptionally lengthy visa application backlogs that developed at consulates during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many consulates, especially India, remain severely backlogged.

Until Summer 2004, the State Department permitted certain nonimmigrant visa holders to renew their visas by mail with the agency’s Visa Office in Washington, D.C. To qualify for visa revalidation in the United States, applicants had to hold valid E, H, L, O, P, or certain other nonimmigrant statuses, have been previously issued a visa at a U.S. consulate, and have been admitted to the United States in the same status as that sought to be revalidated. Visas could be revalidated in the United States in the period beginning 60 days before and up to one year after expiration.

19 years ago, it was a popular option for foreign nationals whose home consulates had a high volume of applications and long processing backlogs. The program was terminated in 2004 because the State Department couldn’t collect biometrics as required by the laws after 9/11. We are excited about this news and will be following it this year.





この変更は、Hビザ保持者およびLビザ保持者の家族用ビザについて長期間に渡り争っていたEdakunni v. Mayorkasが和解合意したことによるものです。


バイデン政権下では、家族用ビザの申請の処理時間を短縮するためにいくつかの変更を行い、2021年5月17日から、H/L/Eビザ申請者の家族によるI-539申請にかかる生体認証の要件が一時停止になっていました。そして2021年11月10日、USCISはShergill v. Mayorkasの和解合意に達し、L/Eビザの配偶者の就労を許可し、特定のI-765更新申請について就労許可を自動延長することとなりました。


Starting January 25, 2023, USCIS will adjudicate I-539 and I-765 applications for H-4 and L-2 dependents when those applications are filed concurrently with the I-129 petition.  The bundling of those applications applies to both regular and premium processed H-1B or L-1 petitions.

USCIS will return to its historical process of adjudicating applications for H-4 and L-2 dependents when the Forms I-539 (application to change or extend status) and I-765 (employment authorization application) are filed concurrently with the H-1B or L-1 petition. In addition to L-2 or H-4 extensions, dependents seeking to change to H-4 or L-2 status using Form I-539 will also benefit from the bundled adjudication, provided that the Form I-129 is filed concurrently. The practice of bundled adjudications will be in effect for two years, effective January 25, 2023.

This shift in practice is the result of a settlement agreement in Edakunni v. Mayorkas, which challenged the lengthy adjudications for H-4 and L-2 dependents.

Under the Trump administration, USCIS implemented several changes – requiring biometrics appointments and de-coupling the adjudication of I-539 applications filed together with Form I-129 – that led to extensive processing times for H-4 and L-2 dependents. USCIS, under the Biden administration, has taken several steps to improve the processing time for dependent applications. On May 17, 2021, USCIS suspended the biometrics appointment requirement for those filing an I-539 requesting H-4, L-2, or E dependent nonimmigrant status. On November 10, 2021, USCIS reached a settlement agreement in Shergill v. Mayorkas that permits L and E spouses to work incident to status, and provides automatic extensions of employment authorization for certain I-765 renewal applications.  

SWLG ANALYSIS. For all clients filing an H-4 or L-2 change of status and EAD application, your case will now be adjudicated concurrently with the principal’s I-129 (H-1b or L-1) case. This means that the spouse or dependents won’t need to wait long periods of time before their case is adjudicated. The biometrics requirement for these cases is also waived at this time so we would expect EAD and change/extension of stay  (I-539) applications to be adjudicated at the same time or soon thereafter the underlying I-129 is adjudicated.