タグ別アーカイブ: 結婚ベース永住権





  • 軍事緊急事態: 米国外にいる米国軍人が軍の包括的承認を受けていないにもかかわらず、急な派遣や転勤や転任を命じられる場合。
  • 医療緊急事態: 申請者や受益者が緊急の医療危機に直面し、即時の渡航が必要な場合。
  • 個人に安全への脅威: 申請者や受益者が内戦や自然災害から逃れるなど、差し迫った脅威にさらされている場合。
  • 年齢制限間近の状況: 受益者が受給資格の年齢制限に近づいている場合。
  • 申請者が最近帰化した場合: 申請者が帰化し、新たな申請を行う必要がある場合。
  • 子供の養子縁組: 申請者が米国外で養子縁組をし、養子縁組の最終決定と2年間の居住権および監護権を持っており、緊急に渡航する必要がある場合。
  • 急な転勤の通知: 米国外にいる米国市民の申請者が直前になって米国への職務転勤を命じられる場合。



  • 転勤の短期通知 – 米国市民であり、海外に居住し就労している申請者が、必要な就労開始日をほとんど通知されないまま、米国での就職内定または米国への異動を受けました。

詳細については、東京の米国大使館のウェブサイトをご覧ください:Family Immigration.


また、東京大使館には上記申請のためのオンラインフォームがあります。例外事態申請フォーム: Exceptional Situations Request Form.


家族ベースの永住権申請(Family Based Immigrant Visa)


How to Expedite an I-130 at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo

If you’re married to a U.S. citizen and not currently in the United States, you often need to file an I-130 through USCIS and have an interview in Japan. This process can take many months, with processing times of up to two years. However, the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo offers expedited processing as an exception. Essentially, the U.S. spouse must be physically present in Japan (with a residence and visa), and the U.S. petitioner needs to stay in Japan for at least the initial I-130 interview at the embassy. This expedited procedure can lead to obtaining permanent residency within 4-6 months of filing.

The key to expediting is that the U.S. citizen petitioner must meet one of the expedite criteria (exceptional circumstances) outlined by USCIS.

Examples of exceptional circumstances include:

  • Military emergencies: A U.S. service member abroad, not under the military blanket authorization, faces a sudden deployment or transfer.
  • Medical emergencies: A petitioner or beneficiary has an urgent medical crisis requiring immediate travel.
  • Threats to personal safety: A petitioner or beneficiary is under imminent threat, such as fleeing civil strife or natural disaster.
  • Close to aging out: A beneficiary nearing the age limit for eligibility.
  • Recent naturalization of petitioner: The petitioner has naturalized and needs to file a new petition.
  • Adoption of a child: A petitioner has adopted a child abroad and urgently needs to travel, with a final adoption decree and two years of residency and custody.
  • Short notice for job relocation: A U.S. petitioner abroad receives a last-minute job transfer to the U.S.

Please note, this list is not exhaustive. The Department of State may accept filings for other urgent or exceptional non-routine circumstances, provided filing through USCIS or domestically wouldn’t suffice given the urgent nature of the situation.

Most people we see will file under this condition

  • Short notice of position relocation – A U.S. citizen petitioner, living and working abroad, has received a job offer in or reassignment to the United States with little notice for the required start date.

For more detailed information, visit the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo’s website: Family Immigration. Most cases we handle involve short-notice job relocations.

The Tokyo embassy has an online form for making such requests: Exceptional Situations Request Form.

If your expedited request is approved, you will attend an interview to determine if your I-130 petition will be accepted. After approval, a second interview will follow for all remaining documents, and about 10 days later, you’ll receive an initial visa to enter as an immigrant. Your green card will be processed by USCIS after your U.S. entry. Given the complexity of the process and our extensive experience, feel free to consult with our office for assistance.